Why Hire Czelusta Law PA?

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Why Hire Czelusta Law PA For Your Personal Injury or Medical Malpractice Case?

The prosecution and litigation of Medical Malpractice and Nursing Home Negligence cases pose challenges and dangers that are not seen in any other type of injury lawsuit.  With the wrong representation, your case could be in jeopardy of being lost if your lawyer does not possess the experience and thorough knowledge necessary to navigate through these obstacles.  Because of our extensive experience, Eric Czelusta, BCS, ESQ has obtained impressive results for their clients. You can see examples of those results here (hyperlink results page).

Selecting the right law firm to handle your Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury, or Nursing Home Negligence case is an important decision that will impact the outcome of your case.  You should take the time to find out which lawyers in the firm will be handling your case on a day to day basis and to research their experience in handling these types of cases.  You should interview all of the lawyers who will be working on your case because just like any employer you are hiring them to do a job for you.  

When you hire a law firm to handle your medical malpractice or nursing home negligence case, here are some questions that you may consider asking lawyers when you interview them:

How many years of experience do you have handling medical malpractice or nursing home negligence case?

Mr. Czelusta has over 25 years of experience in exclusively litigating medical malpractice and nursing home negligence lawsuits and he has obtained over $100 million in total recoveries over the years.  The laws in Florida are very favorable to healthcare providers and we believe that focusing solely on this area of law is necessary to obtaining the best possible outcomes for our clients.

Who in your law firm will be handling my case? 

In many law firms, the named partners are not the ones who will handle your case on a day to day basis and sometimes lawyers with little experience or no experience in handling medical malpractice or nursing home cases are assigned to run the day to day litigation of these cases.  Likewise, in larger law firms that represent literally thousands of clients, you may not always be able to speak with a lawyer about the status of your case.  At Czelusta Law all cases are handled by Mr. Czelusta.  He will be constantly up to date and knowledgeable of the details of your case and he will always be available to speak with you about your case.

Do you have the medical knowledge and resources necessary to effectively understand the technical medical issues involved in my case and to help jurors understand my case? 

Czelusta Law consults regularly with practicing physicians regarding case merits and strategy. Czelusta Law also hires medical experts to consult and to testify at trial in every case.  

Will you take my case to trial if necessary? 

Many law firms do not have medical malpractice trial experience.  However, Mr. Czelusta has extensive experience handling medical malpractice cases from inception and all the way through trial.  Mr. Czelusta is also Board Certified by the Florida Bar as a Specialist in Civil Trial Law.  This is an achievement that has been obtained by less than one percent of all lawyers in the State of Florida. Board certification is the highest level of recognition of competence by the Florida Bar and it involves a rigorous process of peer review, judicial evaluation, testing, and trial experience.  Mr. Czelusta earned his board certification almost exclusively by taking medical malpractice cases to trial.  Prior to handling medical malpractice cases, Mr. Czelusta was a prosecutor for the State of Florida and tried over 50 cases to verdict in that time.

Do you have knowledge of how hospital corporations, nursing home corporations, and malpractice insurance companies analyze and defend these cases? 

Before forming Czelusta Law, Mr. Czelusta had years of experience defending these types of cases from inception all the way through trial.  He knows the inner workings of these corporations and insurance companies and the strategies used by them to defend cases like yours. For the past 13 years, he has exclusively represent those patients and their families who have been injured by healthcare providers, and what he learned from his defense experience is used in every case to the benefit of his clients. 

Will I receive personalized attention if I hire your firm? 

Many law firms that handle medical malpractice cases carry massive caseloads and have literally thousands of clients in other types of cases such as auto accidents, premises liability, property damage cases or other areas of law.  At Czelusta Law, we only represent patients who have been injured by hospitals, doctors, nursing homes and other healthcare providers.  This allows us to provide the personalized attention that you deserve and that is necessary to keep you informed, to help you understand the process, and to be successful in your case.  

What sets you apart from other law firms that represent people injured by medical or nursing home negligence?

Aside from our experience, specialized knowledge and commitment to the service of our clients, Mr. Czelusta has an unmatchable work ethic developed from years of working on his grandparents farm and in construction to earn his way through college.  While no lawyer can ethically guarantee a result for you, Mr. Czelusta pledges that he will provide you with his best efforts.  We love what we do and we have a passion for this area of law.  Mr. Czelusta and his team will work hard for you and do all that they can to give you the best opportunity for a successful outcome of your case.

The hospital corporations and malpractice insurance companies have access to some of the most experienced, talented, and skilled defense lawyers who focus their legal practices solely on the defense of these cases.   To match and overcome their efforts to prevent you from obtaining justice in your case, you should hire a lawyer who has a proven track record of success and who has extensive trial experience.  At Czelusta Law PA, we have the knowledge, experience, and intangible qualities that will be helpful in overcoming the efforts of the insurance companies and corporations attempt to avoid compensating you fairly for your loss, injuries, and damages.  

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